Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 2 of school....

I have to tell you... it is going so well... my little one wants to keep going after we have done the days work... but so far we are keeping on track. More of an update and pictures later.

Moving a Big Rock

This video is absolutely incredible... seriously! Give it a view.

Monday, July 21, 2008

First day of school for us!!!!!!!!!!

Today we plan on starting our first day of school. I can't tell you how excited I am. I figure come family when school traditionally goes in we will be doing lots of stuff with different homeschooling groups so if we get a head start now I will feel a whole lot better. Besides she is more than eager to start. She can't wait.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Box Day!!!!!!!!

Box day was officially July 9th....
(due to a death in my family we didn't get it open and looked at until yesterday)

The box has arrived!
Shaylin showing how excited she is about the box being here.
She can hardly wait to get started.
I love having my week laid out of me. It makes it so much easier to
plan my life.
The books are all on the shelf we bought at Ikea on Monday.

For those who don't remember our curriculum is Sonlight.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

In honour of the Fourth of July I thought I would share some of my
favourite american blogs and links with very useful resources.

Freebie of the Day - check this one daily

Ambleside Online - free online curriculum

Homeschool Helper

Lapbook Resources

Giggles, Grins and Grades - new blog I found and visit

Friday, July 4, 2008

School name and motto

I am so excited for you... just today I pressed the order button on my curriculum.... :) So it should be here next week... and we have come up with a name also it is:

HOPE Learning Academy

HOPE is an acronym for: Home is the Opportunity for Pursuing Excellence

Living and Learning in Love, and Faith

I am planning on making ID cards for both Shaylin and I and hope to do t shirts and sweats also... which should be easy... I just have to come up with a logo, mascot and some school colours now.