Friday, July 4, 2008

School name and motto

I am so excited for you... just today I pressed the order button on my curriculum.... :) So it should be here next week... and we have come up with a name also it is:

HOPE Learning Academy

HOPE is an acronym for: Home is the Opportunity for Pursuing Excellence

Living and Learning in Love, and Faith

I am planning on making ID cards for both Shaylin and I and hope to do t shirts and sweats also... which should be easy... I just have to come up with a logo, mascot and some school colours now.


Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

How fun! We haven't named our homeschool, though I have thought that we probably should.

Congrats on your new name, and on ordering your curriculum!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Annie!
Love your new blog style!!! and congrats on picking a name and motto and all that! You seem so enthusiatic!! Can we enroll at YOUR school?!?! lol.

(so what did you order??)