Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hurricane Lapbook

I am on a yahoo group and someone shared the most wonderful link with us all it is Weather Wiz Kids it will teach your children about weather. We are starting a hurricane lapbook here on Monday to go along with our Sonlight curriculum.

Here are some of the links we are using:
Weather Wiz Kids
Printable Hurricane tracking Chart (pdf)
Another Printable Hurricane tracking Chart (pdf)
Lesson: The Eye of the Hurricane (grade 3-5)
Hurricane Lesson
More Hurricane Lessons (more than one)
Weather Lapbook
Hurricane Watch

more links to follow as I research this more and get all the info together for the lapbook.


Unknown said...

Hey! I found you because 5 mins ago I decided my Nature Study theme for the month would be hurricanes and so was looking for ideas!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you! Our first lapbook this year is going to be storms, hurricanes and tornadoes and I am thankful to find the links!! Thankful for moms sharing their findings to make it easier for others!! Greetings and blessings from a fellow Canadian in Guatemala!!