Thursday, February 28, 2008

My thoughts on homeschooling so far....

Well where do I start... at first I felt very overwhelmed with information and trying to figure out what is the first way we are going to try. It can be very overwhelming let me tell you. But in the end I just decided that we were going to go with lapbooks on a subject that interests my daughter and that seems to be working out the best. She is almost 4 years old I might add. But so far so good.

Now that I have just dove into homeschooling I am totally loving in and I realize that I am going about it the best way for my daughter currently. I think we are going to pretty much use the Ambleside website when she reaches year 1 and use lapbooks... right now we are using Letter of the Week ... my daughter is very crafty. She must get that from her mother. Anyway I thought I would post some of my thoughts on what is working for us and how much I am enjoying teaching my daughter.

1 comment:

Celestial Earth Woman said...

Thank you for your encouraging comment. It has been 15 years since we made the choice to homeschool, and I feel like it has always been our life!! I am glad I could encourage you in it!

I really like what I am seeing here on lapbooking, I think lapbooking is a hard concept for us to get, since we grew up on a diet of textbooks. Your photos are such a big help! They are great!

I think lapbooks and reading whole books are going to be your best bet for your daughter until she is about 9!! :) I have found that my children WANT to earn. It is nigh impossible to stop them! Don't you agree? I think the stumblingblock comes when we hold them to our ideas of what they should learn when really, their interests and love of learning will lead us to teach them that which will interest them.
I will be back to learn more about lapbooks. blessings my new friend,
Seeking Rest in the Ancient Paths