Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween Songs

5 Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate (Hold up open hand)

The first one says, "My, it's getting late." (Point at the thumb)

The second one says, "There are witches in the air." (Point to pointer finger)

The third one says, "But we don't care." (Point to the middle finger)

The fourth one says, "Let's run and run and run!" (Point to ring finger)

The fifth one says, "We're ready for some fun!" (Point to the little finger)

Ooooooooooo went the wind (Hold hands open beside mouth)

And out went the light (Clap hands together)

And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight. (Roll hands around each other)


The owl goes Hoo
The owl goes Hoo
Hi ho on Halloween the owl goes Hoo
The ghost goes Boo
The ghost goes Boo
Hi ho on Halloween the ghost goes Boo

*Sung to Farmer in the Dell

Jack O Lantern

I'm a little Jack o lantern

Fat and Fine
They picked me off a pumpkin vine
Halloween is coming don't you know
just light my candle and watch me glow

*Sung to I'm a Little Teapot

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